Critical clearing time ( CCT) is one of the most important stable indices in power system transient stability analysis. 临界切除时间是电力系统稳定问题分析中最重要的稳定指标之一。
Study on regional critical rainfall indices of debris flow in Sichuan Province 四川省泥石流预报的区域临界雨量指标研究
This paper study the main chemical& mechanical properties of shape memory material systematically, give the critical memory temperature and strength indices of the matter. 系统地研究了形状记忆材料的主要化学性质及物理力学性质,给出了材料的临界记忆温度和各种强度指标。
Conclusion The bilateral and symmetric calcifications of the basal ganglia, caudate nucleus, lentiform nucleus and thalami are CT feature of Fahr's disease while the normal levels of serumal calcium, phosphorus and parathormone are the critical indices for differentiating Fahr's disease from other diseases. 结论双侧大脑基底节区、尾状核、豆状核及丘脑对称性钙化是Fahr's病的CT特征,而血清中钙、磷及甲状旁腺素水平正常是Fahr's病与其他疾病鉴别的关键指标。
The paper discussed the method for determining critical rainfall indices of regional debris flow, and defined the index of critical daily regional rainfall and hour rainfall density of debris flow prediction in Sichuan province. 本文在讨论四川泥石流分区的基础上,论述了区域泥石流临界雨量指标的确定方法及应用问题。并制定了四川泥石流预报的区域临界日雨量和临界小时雨强指标。
The intention of the competitive power of industries and critical indices are given. 提出地方产业竞争力的内涵及评价指标体系;
There are three critical indices to test whether the city system is a self-organized system: the 1/ f fluctuation in the dimension of time, the divi-sional structure in the dimension of space, and the Zipf law in the dimension of ranking. 城市或者城市体系是否自组织系统,可以借助三个临界指标进行检测:一是时间尺度的1/f涨落,二是空间尺度的分形结构,三是等级尺度的济夫(Zipf)定律。
Quantitative indices should be used in the gradation of the participating factors. Critical biological indices should be used as much as possible for the main grades. 参评因素的分级指标应尽量采用定量指标,为分等定级提出定量依据,其主要级差应尽量利用有生物学意义的临界指标。
Study on Effects of Subsurface Waterlogging to Wheat and Critical Indices of Waterlogging Damage MECHANISM OF WATERLOGGING DAMAGE IN JIANGHAN PLAIN 渍害对小麦的影响及受渍临界指标的探讨江汉平原农田渍害机理研究
This paper also introduces power grid construction critical indices and problems focused in the future with suggestions by estimation investment and economic feature of power transmission and transformation projects in the planning. 对规划期内的输变电项目投资进行估算及经济评价,给出电网建设投资关键经济指标,提出电网发展应重点关注的问题和下一步工作建议。